Geographical Component


  • To understand the geographical layers of the study sites in relation to vector transmission.

  • To understand the spatial distribution of dengue cases and mosquito vectors in the study sites.


Spatial baseline data collection

Data layers from aerial photography and satellites, geographic information systems (GIS) and ‘ground trusting’, will be used to characterize differences in land use. The structure of the ecosystem and factors within it that contribute to the transmission of vector-borne diseases will also be described.

Mapping of dengue cases and mosquito pupae at study sites

All houses, buildings, markets, resorts, plantations and parks will be recorded using GPS and mapped using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Households with reported dengue cases and with containers where mosquitoes breed in water will be mapped using GIS and remote sensing techniques, in order to select high-risk areas where vector control efforts will be targeted.

Key findings

Updates will be provided as they become available.